February 21, 2013 at 11:00 AM, Adria Gross from MedWise Insurance Advocacy will be speaking about the Current & Upcoming Health Care Laws. Refreshments; Free; Held at the Esplanade, 168 Red Schoolhouse Road, Chestnut Ridge; For details, contact Carolyn Geiger, Tel. 574-4950; avi@avi-eyes.org; www.avi-eyes.org.
Established in 1973, the Association for the Visually Impaired (AVI) assists people who are visually impaired, blind or deaf-blind. They help all ages living Rockland and Orange Counties by providing rehabilitation and counseling services in their own homes and communities. As a not-for-profit organization, these services enable their clients to lead as independent a life as possible through recognizing individual preferences and specific needs.
“All services are at no cost to the person,” said President Laura Geberth. “The Association for the Visually Impaired is a non-profit organization that recieves funding from the Commission for the Blind and Visually Handicapped, the Offices for the Aging in both Rockland and Orange counties and Rockland County Legislature. AVI also relies on donations and contributions and also runs fundraiser throughout the year to raise money that helps us continue to provide these free services.”
Each of AVI’s 160 volunteers are matched to their respective clients based on interest and skills. These volunteers help clients with reading, groceries, bills, transportation, etc … There is even a driver and vehicle for AVI.
“The transportation program is very unique,” Geberth said. “Our major focus is medical appointments.”
AVI has helped those from birth to over 100 years old. Vision Rehabilitation Therapist Juliana Albertie currently works with two clients over 100. AVI receives about 300 new adult referrals every year and 65 children between birth to 3-years-old.
Some of the free services offered by AVI are:
- Educational support group that meets in Rockland and Orange counties.
- Counseling.
- Cane skills.
- Evaluating the home for safety and navigating home terrain.
- Employment placement program.
- How to use specialized equipment such as a Closed Circuit TV and a Perkins Brailler.
- Transportation program.
For more information, go to their website or call 845.574.4950. Their office at 260 Old Nyack Turnpike, Spring Valley, NY 10977 is open Monday – Friday 9-5.
Every 1st & 3rd Thursday, 11am-12:30pm: Social & Educational Support Group
for the Visually Impaired – Association for the Visually Impaired. Featuring guest
speakers and refreshments; Free; Held at the Esplanade, 168 Red Schoolhouse Road, Chestnut Ridge; For details, contact Carolyn Geiger, Tel. 574-4950; avi@avi-eyes.org; www.avi-eyes.org.