Your Medical Insurance Advocate
These medical bills advocacy videos and case studies will help you save money on your health insurance and denied medical claims.
Need help with medical bills? Click Here to contact us, or call us at 845-978-9493 for a free consultation.
Out of Network Hospital Bills Denied
You vomit and have diarrhea. You go to the emergency room, and the hospital does all these medical tests on you. You were in the hospital for three days only
$60,000 Breast Cancer Bills Down to $2,100
I recently had a case where my client had breast cancer, and her bills were over $60,000. Her oncologist was fighting, not accepting a lower amount. When I was able
Over $2500 Medical Debt Reduced to Zero Within 3 Weeks
Hello, my friends. You know, my client had a debt of over $2,500. She didn’t know where to turn. When she came to me, I was able to determine that
New Book Apparently Different Released
For those of you who don’t know, I recently published a new book titled Apparently Different. My new book, Apparently Different, is available on Amazon. Just go to, type
Why Medical Insurance Companies Deny Claims
In this insightful interview, Edison Guzman speaks with Adria Gross, founder of Medwise Insurance Advocacy, about the challenges and solutions surrounding denied medical claims. Adria shares her expertise as a
$400,000 Cancer Bills Reduced to $19,000
I recently had a client with bills over $400,000 involving cancer. I was so excited to be able to reduce that bill down to $19,000, which is being paid over
$135,000 Medical Bill Was Finally Settled Down to $20,000
One of my clients recently had a bill for $135,000. This was a faith-based coverage, which, of course, is not handled through an insurance company. It was a long, drawn-out
Water Skiing Accident Turns Into Denied Medical Charges
One of the chapters in my book, Apparently Different, is titled A Prisoner in My Own Body from Traumatic Brain Injury. My client was water skiing at the age of 16
Medical Bills for Rape Were Written Off Because of This
I have to say this is one of the worst stories I ever heard. My client was raped, and the bills were over $82,000. The case went to court, and
Surgery for Large Intestine Medical Bill Denied Was Approved After This
I had a client who had a very serious infection in her large intestines. The surgery was performed, which her insurance company said wasn’t medically necessary. The bills were over
Need Help With Surgery Bills Watch this
Have you ever heard of spina bifida? It’s a birth defect in which a developing baby’s spinal cord fails to develop properly. It occurs when a developing baby’s spinal cord
Tips for Reversing Health Insurance Claims Denials
By Heather Sullivan – Published December 9, 2024 10:27am CST – Sullivan’s Smart Sense FOX 26 Houston The murder of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson, and the suspicion that it may have been over insurance claim
Car Accident Medical Claims Not Paid
You know, you ride a bike, and please God, may this never happen to you—have a very bad car accident. So due to that accident, this is what I’ve seen happening:
Mental Health Facility Coverage Denied
You know, I have seen so many denials for mental health. Very often, someone is unable to receive 24-hour facility coverage, and sometimes even when it comes to outpatient therapy,
140 Mile and Hour Car Crash Turns into Thousands in Denied Medical Bills
You know, I’ll tell you, chapter 12 in my book, Apparently Different, speaks about an individual who was in a 140-mile-per-hour car crash. He was going 140 miles an hour.
Congenital Defect Bills Not Being Paid
I was introduced many years ago by an attorney to someone who’s in my book, Apparently Different. She was an attorney who wound up having epilepsy. I myself, due to an
Epilepsy Patient Taught to Deny Medical Claims
I was introduced many years ago by an attorney to someone who’s in my book, Apparently Different. She was an attorney who wound up having epilepsy. I myself, due to an
Major Brain Damage Medical Bills Denied
You know, insufficient oxygen can cause major brain damage. Someone in my book, Apparently Different, experienced that issue, which caused this person to have cerebral palsy. Please think about Medwise if you’re
Is Artificial Intelligence Denying Your Medical Bills
I recently spoke on a major topic involving AI, artificial intelligence, which almost immediately denies medical bills. It is truly awful that insurance companies decide whether or not they want to
Over $200000 in Fraudulent Medical Bills Waived
Hi, my friends. You know, I couldn’t believe this case. My client owed over $200,000 when I was able to prove all of this fraud billing from the hospital. I discussed it with
Prepaid Medical Procedure Reduced by 50%
You prepaid your medical procedure for $7,700 for that same procedure. You get a bill in the mail only for $15,000. I hear about these cases so many times and
Colonoscopy Charged $7,000 and Reduced to $0
You’re going to a colonoscopy at the office of your doctor and the office says to you, it’s covered on your plan and you do not need to pay any
Can’t Understand Your Explanation of Benefits?
Are you having a difficult time understanding your explanation of benefits and the reason for the denials on your bill for over a hundred thousand dollars? I used to write
Double Payment on Medical Bills and Can’t Get a Refund?
Are you in a situation where you paid your medical provider when having a procedure at their office, but now you receive a bill in the mail for those services
PCOS Coverage Non-Existent
Good morning everybody. Have you ever heard of Cushing’s syndrome? It’s a pituitary irregularity. The sad thing is that there’s no cure for it. It also goes under the condition
Having Problems Getting the Generic Drug
I hope you’re having a wonderful day today. All too often you may need a medication and they only want to provide you with the generic drug. If you’re having
What You Can Do If Your Medical Bills Are Denied
In this interview, Edison Guzman speaks with Adria Gross, an insurance advocate, about navigating medical claim denials. Adria explains the common reasons for denials, such as insurance companies rejecting claims
If COBRA Is Not Paying Your Medical Bills Do This
I hope this never ever happens to you. You leave a job and now you have Cobra, but they’re not paying your bills. If this happens to you, call me.
Are You Paying Double Medical Premiums on Social Security
It’s, I hope you’re having a fantastic day today. You know, very often when you begin to receive Social Security, you’ve already been paying out your premium for Medicare. Well,
Medicare Advantage Double Coverage Ends in Double Payment
I hope this never happens to you. I received a phone call where someone worked for two different companies and wound up, believe it or not, having two different Medicare