If You’re Considering Filing for Disability, You Need to Hear This

Have you or anyone you know filed for disability? If you’re thinking about filing for disability,the most important thing is you need to be sure that you will be eligible.I recently had a case where my client had been on disability for over 10 years, and I was able to assist him to continue to be covered.You need to prove you and your doctor,you have to be able to prove that you are unable to work.

So my client was evaluated after 10 years of havingdisability and luckily I was able to help him to keep the insurance company continue, uh, for him to be still receiving disability. If you ever have a problem,please call me. I don’t,I do not take cases on where someone has been denied. I would send it out to someone else.But if you’re in a situation where you’re applying for disability and your doctor is willing to support you, please call me.

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Adria Gross
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