Medicare Advantage Plan May be an Issue for Nursing Homes

I have to tell you, you know, this is crazy out there. People do not realize when they’re, when they turn 65 and they think, oh, this is gonna be great. If I go on a Medicare Advantage plan, let me tell you, if you wind up in a rehab, it’s not great because they throw you out within two to four weeks, or at least they’re ready to throw you out. Cuz the insurance company does not wanna pay for you to remain there. So what happens is, I’m getting phone calls, normally it’s a referral through an attorney and they bring me into the case and I work very hard to try and get them overturned. And I’ve been before judges to help the people and thank you Lord, with the, with the information that I get. And I tell the, the doctors who work for the facility or the therapist, what I need, the cases are being overturned. I’m at a point right now where I’m working on multiple cases and I’m saving tons of money. I mean, thousands of dollars. Cause it depends how much they charge you. For the nursing home, a lot of times it’s $500. They could be a thousand dollars a day. And when you’re in there for another 30 to 90 days after they’re ready to push you out. I’m, I’m really, it’s been very successful, saving people money.

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Adria Gross
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