Your Medical Insurance Advocate
These medical bills advocacy videos and case studies will help you save money on your health insurance and denied medical claims.
Need help with medical bills? Click Here to contact us, or call us at 845-978-9493 for a free consultation.
Couldn’t Pay Insurance Premiums After Brain Surgery
A recent client had brain surgery and they were so sick for a period of time, they couldn’t even read their mail and pay their health insurance, so now they’re
Case Overturned for Business Owner with No Workers Compensation
I recently overturned a case where my client was the owner of a company and he did not have workers compensation for himself. It’s not required by quite a few
Back Surgery Bill from $380,000 Down to $18,000
I recently worked with an attorney where I was able to reduce the back surgeon’s bill from $380,000 down to 18,000. Come to me, Adrian Medwise Insurance Advocacy. I will
Here’s How an Out of Network Surgeon is Covered Under Your Insurance
If you are interested in using a doctor who’s out of network, you need to be able to prove that nobody else is able to perform the surgery. Uh, and,
If You’re Considering Filing for Disability, You Need to Hear This
Have you or anyone you know filed for disability? If you’re thinking about filing for disability,the most important thing is you need to be sure that you will be eligible.I
Emergency Service for $186,000 Completely Covered with ERISA Plan
I had a case where this young boy had emergency brain surgery. The surgeon was billing my client $186,000. The doctor was out of network. So, the family, was having
$144,000 Medical Bill Reduced With No Health Insurance Plan
I’m working on a case that just came to me and the bill’s $144,000 and the client had no health insurance. He doesn’t have any health insurance at all. So
What if it Wasn’t Medical Necessary, But You’re Billed?
I have to tell you right now I am receiving quite a few clients whose insurance company is saying it wasn’t medically necessary for you to be in the hospital,
$25,000 Medical Fee Reduced to $1,700 Due to the No Surprise Act
I don’t know if anybody heard about this, but January 1st, 2022, a new bill was passed. It’s called the No Surprise Act. It is a national, um, uh, act.
Who’s Responsible for Preauthorization for Your Medical Procedure?
if a provider does not have pre-authorization for services rendered, which are usually the following procedures, surgery when they’re, uh, doing a procedure and they have to put dye in
Outdated CPT Codes May Cost You Thousands
Believe it or not, some medical providers are still using outdated CPT or ICD nine codes. A C P T code is the procedure performed and the I C D
What If Your Provider Does Not Send Out the Bill on Time to the Insurance Company?
Have you ever been in a situation where your provider did not send the bill out to the insurance company on time? Insurance company usually demand that they receive the
How to Avoid Paying the Same Medical Bill Twice
If it’s possible, I highly recommend that you keep track of claims that you have received and paid. It’s always best not to pay your medical provider until you receive
$25,000 Medical Claim Reduced to Zero With This
I recently had a case where the provider did not have medical records for which they were billing the patient for. It was very difficult for them to not be
Medicare Advantage Plan May be an Issue for Nursing Homes
I have to tell you, you know, this is crazy out there. People do not realize when they’re, when they turn 65 and they think, oh, this is gonna be
Billed for Services Never Rendered? We Can Help.
I recently had insured reach out to me since they were built for services, never rendered. It was difficult to prove, but luckily, by examining the medical records, we were
What to Do if Medical Claim Not Paid Due to Missed Insurance Payment
I recently overturned the case where the patient forgot to submit premium due to cancer treatment. You know what happens is when you’re going through the treatment, your brain really
Complications Due to Overseas Medical Bills?
I’ve had people call me up and request assistance since they had medical service rendered out of the country and when we return to the United States, they still needed
$17,000 Emergency Room Bill Reduced to CoPay
All too often you could be receiving a bill from the emergency room. Since the providers were out of network, you know, a lot of times the hospitals will cover
Bills Went to Collections, but Never Received from Hospital?
Have you ever been in a situation where you receive a bill from a collection agency and never from the medical provider? I have a case where my client is
If Your Medication is Not Covered by Insurance, Do This
Medication’s not covered on your plan. You can go online and try to order the medication in Canada. Take a look at, certified International Canadian Pharmacy and What’s happening
$27,000 in Medication Expenses Reduced to $0
I had a recent case where the medication was not covered on the patient’s health insurance policy. After reaching out to the pharmaceutical company that manufactures that medication, I was
Multiple Medical Procedures at No Cost Due to This
I recently had a bill that included multiple procedures on the same day of service with the same provider. When I reviewed the bill from the billing company, they would
Federal No Surprise Act Does Not Include Land Ambulances
When the federal No Surprise Act was effective on January 1st, 2022, land ambulances were not included. So that means that the air, the l uh, the land ambulances are
Air Ambulance Has Legal Limitations for Charges
Air ambulance became part of the federal no surprise Act, January 1st, 2022. An air ambulance is always considered to be an emergency, and now they have legal limitations on
Didn’t Use an In-Network Insurance Provider?
If possible, before your services are rendered, request whether a medical provider is out of network or in-network, you want this in writing. Otherwise, you might be paying the medical
Saved Over $20,000 in Medical Bills for Doctor Outside of Network
I was handling Insurance on an older billing for a family of five one of the children wound up in a New York City Hospital. And they were being billed
Having Problems Getting Medical Bills Covered After Age 65?
I worked on a case where the wife was the primary insurer through her employer. This was crazy when the wife died the husband was sitting with outstanding bills of
Nanny Wasn’t Covered for $10,000 in Medical Bills Until Adria Came Along
I worked with a family where their Nanny was from a foreign country and the hospital they overbuilt her so high $10,000, but when I was able to explain to the
Does Hospital Volunteering Help With Medical Bills?
Have you ever done volunteer work at a hospital? Sometimes the hospital will take that into consideration. And not bill you especially let’s say you don’t have any health insurance.